Irvin McDowell |
The Department of the Rappahannock was created on April 4,
1862 by the War Department. It included Virginia east of the Blue Ridge and
west of the Potomac River, the Fredericksburg and Richmond Railroad, including
the District of Columbia and the country between the Potomac and the Patuxent
Rivers. Irvin McDowell (USMA 1838)
who had served as First Corps commander assumed command of the Department.
The department originally contained the three divisions of
the First Corps. McClellan’s
persistent requests for reinforcements caused the War Department to eventually
release two of the divisions to the Peninsula. William Franklin’s division went first. On May 18, 1862 he was on the Peninsula
and given command of the provisional Sixth Corps and his division now under
Henry Slocum became the 1st Division of that new command. By mid June McClellan also received George
McCall’s Pennsylvania Reserve division. It became the 3rd Division
of the Fifth Corps.
Rufus King’s division remained with the Department of the Rappahannock.
All of the brigades comprising the division were originally organized in
October 1861 and commanded by Irvin McDowell. The original brigade commanders
Division Commander Irvin McDowell
(USMA 1838)
1st Brigade - Brigadier Generals Christopher
C. Augur (USMA 1843)
2nd Brigade - Brigadier General James
S. Wadsworth
3rd Brigade - Brigadier General Rufus
King (USMA 1833.)
Rufus King |
Augur and King were West Pointers and Wadsworth was
politically connected. Likely
because of impending field operations and McClellan’s desire to have West
Pointers command wherever possible, Marsena Patrick (USMA 1835) assumed command
of Wadsworth’s brigade on March 7, 1862.
When King assumed division command, newly minted brigadier general John
Gibbon (USMA 1847) assumed permanent command of his brigade on May 7, 1862. Also
in May, a fourth brigade of troops was formed from three new regiments from New
York and Pennsylvania manning the defenses of Washington that were sent to the
Rappahannock and the veteran 7th Indiana Infantry, an older
unit. Commanded by Fort Sumter
hero Abner Doubleday, it was for some reason numbered as the 2nd
Brigade. This numbering scheme
then made Patrick’s brigade the 3rd, and Gibbons became the 4th. By May of 1862, command of the brigades
Division Commander Brigadier
General Rufus King (USMA 1833)
1st Brigade - Brigadier Generals
Christopher C. Augur (USMA 1843)
2nd Brigade - Brigadier General Abner
Doubleday (USMA 1842)
3rd Brigade - Brigadier General
Marsena Patrick (USMA 1835)
4th Brigade - Brigadier General John
Gibbon (USMA 1847)
The original core of this division was two brigades of New
York soldiers signed up for two-years, and a brigade of Midwestern troops. By the beginning of the 1862 campaign
season, they were well-drilled forces who had been together since October 1861.
The Midwesterners would one day be known as the Iron Brigade. They were joined that spring by the 2nd
U.S. Sharpshooters armed with the Sharps rifle. This regiment was assigned to the 1st Brigade.
Doubleday’s brigade, the last to join the division, did not have the benefit of
the winter in the Washington defenses to ready itself for combat. Until the Second Manassas Campaign,
only three regiments in the division had seen relatively heavy action. The 2nd Wisconsin and 14th
Brooklyn (or 84th New York) fought at the First Battle of Bull Run,
and the 7th Indiana saw action with McClellan in West Virginia and
later with James Shields in the Shenandoah Valley against Stonewall Jackson at
Winchester and Port Republic.
John Hatch |
On June 26, 1862 the Army of Virginia was created under the command of John Pope. The troops of the Department of the Rappahannock were redesignated as the Third Corps, Army of Virginia. On July 7, 1862, Augur was transferred to command the 2nd
Division, Second Corps Army of Virginia and his place as brigade commander was
taken by Brigadier General John Hatch (USMA 1845) who had previously commanded
a cavalry brigade in the Second Corps, Army of Virginia. Hatch a career regular officer in the
old Mounted Rifles regiment did not take kindly to John Pope’s reassignment of
him to the infantry. By now, Rufus
King’s epilepsy was increasingly affecting his ability to command. During the Second Bull Run campaign,
Hatch was temporarily placed in command of the division. Colonel Timothy Sullivan of the 24th
New York Infantry commanded the 1st Brigade. As the division faced off for the Second Bull Run
campaign, its brigade structure looked like this:
Division Commander Brigadier Generals
John Hatch (USMA 1845)
1st Brigade – Colonel Timothy
Sullivan 24th New York Infantry
2nd Brigade - Brigadier General Abner
Doubleday (USMA 1842)
3rd Brigade - Brigadier General
Marsena Patrick (USMA 1835)
4th Brigade - Brigadier General John
Gibbon (USMA 1847)
All told, the division suffered 2,737 casualties at the
Battle of Second Bull Run. The Black Hat Brigade suffered the highest
casualties losing 894 men followed by Hatch’s brigade with 782. The 2nd
and 3rd Brigades suffered 447 and 568 men respectively. Losses
included three regimental commanders killed (30th and 80th
New York, and 2nd Wisconsin), and four wounded (6th and 7th
Wisconsin, 84th New York and 56th Pennsylvania). Additionally, Colonel Sullivan would
not be present for the Maryland Campaign and be replaced as the 1st
Brigade commander by Walter Phelps of the 22nd New York.
The ending of the Second Bull Run campaign also meant the end of the Army of Virginia. On September 12, 1862 the Third Corps, Army of Virginia was at last re-designated with its original corps designation. It was once again the First Corps, Army of the Potomac. King, increasingly stricken with ever more serious epileptic
attacks, was permanently relieved of division command on the eve of the Battle
of South Mountain. John Hatch had
commanded the division temporarily during the Second Bull Run campaign when
King took ill and now assumed permanent command. Hatch would himself be wounded at that South Mountain to be
replaced by Abner Doubleday in command of the division as it advanced toward
the Antietam.
With the casualties of Second Bull Run, the 1st
and 2nd Brigades were now commanded by colonels. Colonel Walter Phelps of the 22nd
New York Infantry assumed command of the 1st Brigade. Colonel W.P. Wainwright of the 76th
New York Infantry assumed command of the 2nd Brigade when Doubleday
moved up to the division but he was also wounded at South Mountain. Command of that brigade then devolved
upon Lieutenant Colonel John W. Hoffman of the 56th Pennsylvania
Abner Doubleday |
After Second Manassas, the division was terribly
bloodied. Doubleday was new to
division command. There were two
new brigade commanders and eight new regimental commanders as a result of
combat. The 1st Brigade
was heavily damaged and commanded by the unproven Walter Phelps (who would
perform admirably at Antietam.)
The 2nd Brigade suffered the smallest number of casualties at
Second Bull Run but was commanded by John W. Hoffman, only a lieutenant colonel. Patrick and Gibbon’s brigade were
perhaps the most solid in the division at the onset of the Battle of Antietam
though Gibbon’s losses at Second Bull Run were extremely high.
This division’s command structure looked like this on the
eve of the battle.
Division Commander Abner Doubleday
(USMA 1842)
1st Brigade – Colonel Walther Phelps,
22nd New York
22nd, 24th 30th
and 84th New York, 2nd U.S. Sharpshooters
2nd Brigade – Lieutenant Colonel
Walter Hofmann, 46th Pennsylvania
7th Indiana, 76th and 95th
New York, 56th Pennsylvania
3rd Brigade - Brigadier General
Marsena Patrick (USMA 1835)
21st, 23rd, 35th,
and 80th New York
4th Brigade - Brigadier General John
Gibbon (USMA 1847)
th Indiana, 2
nd, 6
and 7
th Wisconsin
Doubleday’s division had a relatively large artillery complement
consisting of four batteries. Eighteen of the 24 guns were the excellent Model
1857 Napoleons. The other six were
the equally capable 3-inch ordnance rifles. Captain J. Albert Monroe was chief of the division’s artillery
and personally commanded Battery D, 1st Rhode Island Light
Artillery. He was apparently very
competent. In a division with two
general officers who hailed from the old regular artillery (Doubleday, and
Gibbon) Monroe, a volunteer, lead the artillery and not 21 year old West Point
graduate Captain Joseph Campbell of Battery B, 4th U.S.
Artillery. Monroe had served in a
pre-war militia battery in Providence Rhode Island. Lieutenant Frederick M.
Edgell commanded 1st Battery, New Hampshire Light Artillery. Edgell’s battery had been cut up
severely at Second Manassas. It
lost a gun there to Evander Law’s brigade and had seen it commander Captain
Gerrish wounded and captured. Both
Monroe and Edgell appear to have received their Napoleons during Henry Hunt’s
re-provisioning of the artillery during the first week of the Maryland
Campaign. Captain John A. Reynolds commanded Battery L, 1st New York
Light Artillery. Reynold’s New
Yorkers manned a battery of 3-inch ordnance rifles. They were a recent addition to the division having
apparently been attached there just before Second Manassas from Bank’s
corps. Reynold’s men were present
at Cedar Mountain and Second Manassas. Like the other two volunteer batteries,
they had apparently turned in their ten-pound Parrots prior to or during the
opening stages of the Maryland Campaign for the better guns.
In keeping with the policy of artillery chief William Barry
and later Henry Hunt, the division had one regular army artillery unit. This
was Battery B, 4th U.S. Artillery. Battery B had been John Gibbon’s old command before the war
and until he received his brigadier general’s commission as a U.S.
Volunteer. Now commanded by Joseph
B. Campbell (USMA 1861), the battery contained six Model 1857 Napoleon
guns. Two officers and around 23
enlisted men were present for duty, with around 130 serviceable artillery
horses. The depleted ranks of the
battery had been filled with volunteers from neighboring infantry regiments,
many from Gibbon’s own brigade.