Colonel Harvey Brown Fifth Artillery |
On May 4 1861
President Lincoln directed the first expansion of the Regular Army of the
United States since 1855. In that
earlier year two infantry and two cavalry regiments were added under the
auspices of Secretary of War Jefferson Davis.
Circumstances in 1861 were much different. The nation was at war with itself. The Regulars (it was believed) would form the
backbone of a large volunteer force being raised to put down a rebellion now
being lead by that former Secretary of War.
executive order (confirmed by Congress on July 29th) added ten
infantry regiments, two cavalry regiments and one artillery regiment to the
regular army. The artillery regiment
would be outfitted as light artillery meaning that the 12 companies would be
mounted with horses and guns.
The creation
of the new Fifth Artillery meant unprecedented career opportunities for the
officer corps. All of the new field
grade officers (colonel, lieutenant colonel and majors) were drawn from the
ranks of the regular army and all were West Point graduates. Harvey
Brown (USMA 1818) a major of the Second Artillery since 1851 became the first
colonel. Thomas Sherman (USMA 1836), a
captain in the Third Artillery since 1846 became the first lieutenant
colonel. The new majors were all
graduates of West Point between 1837 and 1839 and at the time of their promotions
were commanding companies. Thomas
Williams (USMA 1837) of the Fourth Artillery commanded Company L. William Barry (USMA 1838), and Henry Hunt
(USMA 1839) commanded the two light companies of the Second Artillery A, and M
respectively. The leadership of the
regiment was solid. All of its officers
were Mexican War veterans and Hunt and Barry in particular were known as
leading authorities on artillery.
The captains
of eleven of the twelve batteries were West Point graduates. Five were commanding foot artillery companies
in other artillery regiments when appointed.
Transfer to the Fifth Artillery meant command of a light company. The only captain appointed from the civilian
sector was James McKnight of Pennsylvania. McKnight was a militia officer of
broad experience. He had commanded the
Ringgold Light Artillery Battery of Berks County Pennsylvania. This was a fully mounted battery with four six-pound guns. The Ringgold Artillery was one of the “First
Defenders” from Pennsylvania to reach Washington after the fall of Fort
The new
battery commanders of the Fifth Artillery were:
Battery A Captain George W. Getty USMA (USMA 1840) Transferred from command of Company E, Fourth
Artillery (in command since 1854)
Battery B Captain James A. Hardie
USMA 1843) Transferred from
command of Company G, Third Artillery (in
command since 1858)
Battery C Captain Truman Seymour (USMA 1846) Transferred from command of Company G, First
Artillery (in command since Apr 1861)
Battery D Captain Charles Griffin (USMA 1847) Transferred from command of Company B, Second
Artillery (in command since Apr 1861)
Battery E Captain Samuel F. Chalfin (USMA 1847) Transferred from
command of Company F, First Artillery (in command since Apr 1861)
Battery F Captain Romeyn B. Ayres (USMA 1847) Promoted to Captain from
Company F, Third Artillery
Battery G Captain Richard Arnold (USMA 1850) Promoted to Captain from
Company H, Third Artillery
Battery H Captain William R. Terrill (USMA 1853) Promoted to Captain
from Company C, Fourth Artillery (killed
at Perryville)
Battery I Captain Stephen H. Weed (USMA 1854) Promoted to Captain from
Company K, Fourth Artillery (killed at
Battery K Captain John R. Smead (USMA 1854) Promoted to Captain from
Company D, Second Artillery (mortally
wounded at Second Manassas)
Battery L Captain Henry V de Hart (USMA 1856) Promoted to Captain from
Company C, Third Artillery (killed at
Gaines Mill)
Battery M Captain James McKnight (PA 1861) Appointed May 14, 1861. McKnight commanded the Ringgold Light
Artillery (PA) since 1850
The regular
army filled seven of the lieutenant vacancies in the regiment:
Battery A 1 LT Herbert A. Hascall (USMA 1856), transferred from Company
A, Fourth Artillery
Battery B 1LT Edmund C. Bainbridge (USMA 1856), transferred from Company H, Fourth Artillery
Battery C 1LT Lorenzo Lorain (USMA 1856), transferred from Company L, Third Artillery
Battery D 1LT George A. Kensel (USMA 1857), promoted from Company L, Fourth Artillery
Battery G 1LT John W. Barriger (USMA 1856), transferred from Company L,
Second Artillery
Battery H 1LT Francis L. Guenther (USMA 1859), promoted from Company E,
Fourth Artillery
Battery I 1LT Norman Hall (USMA 1859) promoted from Company H, First
Eight of the
lieutenants came from the West Point class of May 1861.
Battery D 1LT Adelbert Ames
Battery F 1LT Leonard Martin
Battery G 1LT Jacob B. Rawles
Battery H 1LT Jacob A. Smyser
Battery I 1LT Malbone Watson
Battery L 1LT Henry Kingsbury (killed at Antietam)
1LT Charles Hazlett (killed
at Gettysburg)
Battery M 1LT Emory Upton
In accordance
with Lincoln’s executive order and the subsequent enabling legislation, the
remaining 30 lieutenants were appointed directly from the civilian world. In the initial round of appointments, none
went to any enlisted men. This “Civilian
Class of 1861” produced many good artillery officers and a few great ones. Some would rise to the command of their
batteries as lieutenants during some of the fiercest battles of the war. Many of these men ended up making the army
their career as well. One would be the first Chief of Artillery ever appointed
in peacetime. Two were killed in
Ten of the
new officers were from Pennsylvania; four each were from Ohio, New York and DC,
one each were from New Jersey, Maryland, Massachusetts, Kentucky, Kansas,
Indiana, Delaware and one at large.
Perhaps the large number of Pennsylvania appointees, and the placement
of the regiment’s initial camp of instruction at Camp Greble near Harrisburg had
something to do with the fact that Simon Cameron of Pennsylvania was the
Secretary of War. To this former party
boss, patronage and policical favoritism were ingrained in his DNA.
Young Henry Gansevoort |
The chances
for getting an appointment had a lot to do with the amount of influence and
connections that the applicant could project.
In the 1860s, no one thought anything of using all possible influence
and calling in of favors to secure these coveted commissions. Henry Gansevoort is a case in point. Scion of one of Albany New York’s original
Dutch families, Gansevoort’s grandfathers were General Peter Gansevoort a
revolutionary war hero and Chancellor Sanford, a United States Senator from New
York. His father Peter was an extremely
well connected attorney, judge, and New York legislator. Young Gansevoort was a graduate of Princeton
and Harvard Law School. For a time, he
read law with Millard Fillmore’s firm in Buffalo. Before joining a practice in
New York Gansevoort in 1858 embarked on a 15 month journey to Europe . With the attack on Sumter, Gansevoort
immediately enlisted in the Seventh Regiment, New York State militia.
The regiment was among the first to be sent to Washington upon the outbreak of
the war. He was almost desperate to
obtain a commission in the regular army.
On April 30th, 1861 Gansevoort wrote to his father from
I have one favor to ask of you. It is
possible at present to obtain for me a second-lieutenant's commission in the
additional twenty-five thousand men to be raised for the regular army. Will you
please apply for me at once, —today? Please speak to Judge P _____ . Hill, of
Albany, has a commission.
was referring Edward B. Hill an acquaintance who was appointed to the First
Artillery. Gansevoort followed up with another letter on
May 17th:
I request that you make an early
application, as there are many applications already, and unless great exertions
are made the chances will be small. ... I think application had better be made on
the spot : General Wool, however, could suggest the most usual way. I leave the
matter in your hands, knowing that your indulgent and paternal nature will do
for me all that can be done.
Finally, on
August 4th Gansevoort triumphantly reported:
I have obtained a permanent position
in the army, — lieutenant in the Fifth Artillery, headquarters at Harrisburg.
This regiment is to be composed entirely of flying batteries, of which there
are to be twelve. Brown, of Pickens fame, is the colonel, and Sherman the
lieutenant-colonel. It is, I know, a dangerous branch of the service, but it is
a choice and scientific branch. Under the present system of warfare, officers
suffer most, and particularly those commanding batteries, as it is the aim of
sharpshooters to thus cripple the guns; but it is on this very account that I
prefer it. You are aware, perhaps, that there has been but one regiment of
artillery formed under the increase of the army, so that commissions in that
branch are comparatively scarce. I obtained this commission by my own
exertions. All political influence that I brought to bear failed to aid me in
the least and it was only by the resignation of a friend who held the
appointment, that I received it, being substituted in his place.
and his family’s efforts were duplicated by dozens of other men seeking
appointments. The following is a list of
the civilians who successfully obtained appointments in the Fifth
Artillery. The list is organized by
battery. It identifies the name, home
state, age at appointment and name of the officer’s father or significant person
(if known) who likely had a role in securing the appointment. For some, that connection and influence that
person was able to provide are obvious.
For others there is less information or none at all. In all but one case, detailed information on
the father or patron was located.
Battery A
Charles P.
Muhlenberg (1837-1872) from Pennsylvania; age at appointment 24; Son
of Frederick Muhlenberg a prominent physician from Lancaster Pennsylvania and
member of the Muhlenberg family a powerful Pennsylvania political, religious, and
military dynasty. His brother Edward was
also appointed as a lieutenant in the Fourth Artillery. He commanded Battery A which
was assigned to Burnside’s Ninth Corps at Antietam. Two brevets, one for Cold
Harbor and one for good conduct.
Resigned 1867.
James Gilliss (1840-1898) from DC;
age at appointment 21; son of James Gilliss a naval officer, noted astronomer and
founder of the United States Naval Observatory.
At Antietam commanding ambulance train for the Artillery Reserve. Two brevets for Malvern Hill and
Spotsylvania. Retired in 1897 as Colonel,
Deputy Quartermaster General.
George W. Crabb (1840-1907) from
Pennsylvania; age at appointment 21; son of George Crabb newspaper editor of the Harrisburg Patriot and Telegraph; His
father was a one time apprentice to Simon Cameron. He fought at Antietam in
Battery A. Two brevets for Antietam and
Petersburg. Retired in 1898 as a Major.
Howard Burnham killed at Chickamauga |
Battery B
Thomas Williams (1835-1894) from
Pennsylvania; age at appointment 26; son of Thomas Williams a Pittsburg attorney and editor of The Advocate a Whig newspaper and US
Congressman from 1863-1869. One brevet for Second Manassas as General
McDowell’s aide. Resigned 1866. Committed
suicide in 1894
Howard Burnham (1842-1863) from Massachusetts;
age at appointment 19; son
of Roderick Burnham a Massachusetts attorney and member of the Massachusetts
Legislature; Nephew of Colonel Joseph Mansfield, Inspector General of the U.S.
Army; Transferred to Battery H and killed at Chickamauga September 19, 1863.
William Beck (1837-1930) from
Pennsylvania; age at appointment 23; son of John Beck who served three years in the Pennsylvania House of Representatives
in 1854, 1862, and 1863; Beck attended West Point for one year before resigning
in 1856. Four brevets for Po River, Boydton Plank Road, Petersburg, and good
conduct. Retired as a captain in 1891.
Battery C
David Veech (1837-1874) from
Pennsylvania; age at appointment 24; son of James Veech a well-connected Republican lawyer and
friend of Edwin Stanton. Resigned 1863.
Appointed Captain volunteer Commissary of Subsistence ; Resigned again
in 1865.
Gulian Weir (1837-1886) from New
York appointed at large; age at appointment 24; son of Robert Weir, Professor of Drawing
at West Point 1834-1876. Fought at Antietam under Captain Ransom in the
Cornfield; Two brevets for Peninsula Campaign and Fredericksburg. Commanded battery at Gettysburg. Remained in
the Army. Committed suicide in 1886.
Homer Baldwin 1837-1870 from Ohio;
age at appointment 24; son
of Dudley Baldwin a bank director and Director of Cleveland and Mahoning
Railroad. Two brevets for Gettysburg and the Red River Campaign; Died on duty
Battery D
Lloyd Harrison (1837-1880) from DC;
age at appointment 24; son of Naval
officer Gustavus Harrison who died in 1848. Fought at Antietam; Dismissed in
Horatio Reed (1837- 1888) from New
York; age at appointment 24; graduate of Troy Polytechnic Institute. Four
brevets for First Bull Run, Peninsula Campaign, Bristoe Station, and good
conduct. Colonel 22nd NY
Cavalry; Resigned 1870.
Battery E
Eben Scott (1837-1919) from
Pennsylvania; age at appointment 24; son of William B. Scott 1812-1840; an 1858 Yale graduate and
attorney; Resigned 1863.
John R. Brinckle (1839-1910) from
Delaware; age at appointment 21; son of Episcopal Rector Samuel Crawford Brinckle. Two brevets for Sailors
Creek and Appomattox Campaign. Retired
as a major in 1896.
Elijah R. Craft (1841-1916) from New
York; age at appointment 20; son of Charles Craft a railroad express man. Two brevets for Port Hudson and Fort Morgan;
Resigned 1866
Charles Carroll 1841-1906 from DC;
age at appointment 21; son
of William Carroll Clerk DC Superior Court; One brevet for Sailor’s Creek;
Resigned 1865.
Battery F
David Kinzie 1841-1904 from
Illinois appointed from Kansas; age at appointment 20; grandfather John Kinzie
was the first white settler of Chicago. His uncle was Major David Hunter an
intimate to Lincoln; Resigned from West Point in 1861 to accept a commission. Three brevets for White Oak Swamp, Antietam,
and good conduct. Retired in 1903 as
brigadier general.
Charles Hickox 1837-1901; from Ohio;
age at appointment 23; After the war and original member of the New York Stock
Exchange. Resigned 1864.
Battery G
Henry Brewerton 1838-1913 from
Maryland; age at appointment 22; son of Major Henry Brewerton Superintendent of West Point from
1845-1852; One brevet for Cedar Creek where he was captured; Retired as major
in 1892;
Henry L. Taliaferro from
Kentucky; Resigned 1862.
Battery H
Benjamin F. Rittenhouse 1839-1915 from DC;
age at appointment 21; son
of Benjamin Rittenhouse a Treasury auditor. Two brevets for Bethesda Church and
good conduct; Assumed command of Hazlett’s battery at Gettysburg; Retired in
1870 as a captain. Committed suicide in 1915.
Israel Ludlow (1841-1873) from Ohio;
age at appointment 20; son
of James C. Ludlow; Ludlow’s sister was married to Salmon Chase. One brevet for good conduct; Resigned
in 1865.
Battery I
Thomson McElrath (1837-1898) from New
York; age at appointment 24; son of T.P. McElrath, Business Manager of Horace Greeley’s New York Tribune.
Two brevets for Gaines Mill and good conduct; Resigned in 1870.
Charles C. MacConnell (1840-1908) from
Pennsylvania; age at appointment 21; son of Thomas MacConnell a lawyer and judge in Pittsburgh.
Three brevets for Peninsula, Gettysburg, and Fort Stedman; Retired as a captain
in 1883.
Battery K
William Van Reed (1841-1896) from
Pennsylvania; age at appointment 20; son of James Van Reed a well-known paper manufacturer who
moved to California in 1850. Commanded Battery K at Antietam; One brevet for
Weldon Railroad; Retired as a captain in 1887;
James Piper (1835-1876) from
Pennsylvania; age at appointment 26; son of Alexander Piper active in Pennsylvania
Government; Brother of Lieutenant
Alexander Piper USMA 1851). One brevet for Mechanicsville; died on active duty
in 1876, a captain.
Battery L
Wallace F. Randolph
(1841-1910) from Pennsylvania; age at appointment 19; son of Dr. Charles F. Randolph. Cousin
was General Lorenzo Thomas. Two brevets
for Second Winchester and good conduct.
Captured at Winchester; escaped from Libby Prison after tunneling out. Brigadier General USV in the Spanish American
War; In 1903 appointed as the first
peacetime Chief of Artillery of the army.
Retired as a brigadier general in 1904. Committed suicide in 1910.
Edmund D. Spooner (1843-1915) from Ohio;
age at appointment 17; son
of Judge William Lewis Spooner of Ohio. Resigned 1865.
Battery M (3)
Valentine Stone (1840-1867) from
Indiana; age at appointment 21; son of Samuel Stone one-time member of the Kentucky legislature;
nephew of Senator Henry Smith Lane of Indiana . Two brevets for good
conduct. Died on active duty, a captain
in 1867.
Henry Baldwin (1840-1864) from New
Jersey; age at appointment 21; son of Caleb Dodd Baldwin a paper mill operator in Essex NJ;
mortally wounded at Cedar Creek.
Mortally wounded at Cedar Creek and died of wounds November 8, 1864.
Henry Gansevoort 1835-1871 from New
York; age at appointment 26; son of Peter Gansevoort New York Lawyer, Judge, and Legislator. Transferred to Battery C and fought at
Antietam. Four brevets for Antietam,
Manassas Gap, and two brevets for good conduct.
Brevet brigadier general of volunteers.
Commanded 13th New York Cavalry; Died on active duty, a
captain in 1871.
Of the 30
officers, one was dismissed and five resigned during the war. Seven remained on active duty but resigned
before they were eligible to retire.
Five died while on active duty after the war. Ten retired from active duty. Two of them, David Kinzie and Wallace
Randolph retired as brigadier generals in the regular army. Randolph was appointed the first peacetime
Chief of Artillery in 1903, something that Henry Hunt had advocated fifty years
earlier. Two paid the ultimate
sacrifice. Howard Burnham fell while leading
his battery at Chickamauga. Henry
Baldwin was mortally wounded at Cedar Creek.
Lieutenant Colonel Gansevoort, 13th New York Cavalry |
The Class of
1861 almost without exception produced some great artillery officers. Perhaps no officer epitomized the group more
than Henry Gansevoort, the young gentleman from Rheinbeck New York who asked
his father for a favor. Gansevoort was
appointed as an officer in Company M. He
spent many months drilling and preparing his battery for action. Sent to the Peninsula, he saw his first major
action at the Battle of Seven Pines. Promoted
to first lieutenant and transferred to Ransom’s Battery C, he fought at Second
Manassas. At Antietam Gansevoort for a time commanded his battery and was
instrumental in halting Rebel attacks in the Cornfield. In June of 1863 he accepted
a volunteer commission as lieutenant colonel of the 13th New York
Cavalry. Subsequently promoted to
colonel of the regiment, Gansevoort spent much of the remainder of the war
operating in Mosby’s Confederacy scoring some notable successes against the
guerilla leader. Gansevoort returned to
his battery after mustering out of the volunteers. He was promoted to captain in 1867.
Gansevoort continued to serve but gradually grew sick and enfeebled from
recurrences of the camp fever and hard service he suffered during the war. Feeling that the end was near, Gansevoort
departed from Fort Independence in Boston for his ancestral home. He died on board the steamboat “Drew” on the
Hudson River opposite Rhinebeck New York on April 12, 1871.
the 19th century, an expressman was
someone whose responsibility it was to ensure the safe delivery of a train's
gold or currency, which was secured in the "express car". This job
included guarding the safe or other strongboxes or coffers against outlaws, and
memorizing the safe's combination until delivery.