research on the West Point officers who served at Antietam continues. Recently, I contacted the West Point
Library to see when they began recording images of the graduating classes. I learned that they began to do this in
1857. Unfortunately they do not
have the images for the Classes of 1858 or 1860. The Library copied the images of 53 officers from the
graduating classes of 1857, 1859, May 1861, June 1861, and 1862. I can’t be
certain but many of these are not on the internet as I have tried to google
some of these relatively unknown men and not obtained any results.
James H. Lord USMA 1862 |
One of these images is of James H. Lord of the Class of 1862. It is amazing to consider that this young man who graduated from the Academy on June 17, 1862 would earn a brevet promotion to First Lieutenant only fourteen days later at Malvern Hill. He would earn two more (including one for Antietam) before the end of the war. He probably looked very much like this image at Antietam.
great source of biographical information for these lesser known officers are
their obituary notices found in the Annual Reunion of the Association of
Graduates. When Lord died on
February 21, 1896 at the Presidio, his classmate and fellow Second Artillery
colleague John Calef penned the following tribute which appeared in the 1896 Annual Reunion.
JAMES HENRY LORD was born at Honesdale, Pa., February 27th, 1840. After
attending school in his native town, he was, at the age of 14, sent to the
military school of General William H. ("Billy") Russell, at New
Haven, where he received his preparation for the United States Military Academy.
He entered the Academy on July 1st, 1857.
Graduating in 1862, amidst the excitement of the Civil War, he was appointed to
the Second Artillery, and was sent immediately to active service with the Army
of the Potomac. Being assigned to Carlisle's Battery "E," Second
Artillery, (composed of 4-20 pounder Parrotts).
He participated with this celebrated Battery under [First Lieutenant Samuel F.] Benjamin, in the following battles:
Second Malvern Hill, Second Bull Run, Chantilly, South Mountain, Antietam,
Fredericksburg, and then accompanied the Ninth Army Corps to Vicksburg,
Mississippi, in the siege of which place his battery took part, as well as in
the capture of Jackson, the Capital of Mississippi. During these operations on
the Mississippi he contracted a fever accompanied by congestive chills, which
necessitated a change of climate, and after a sick leave, he was placed on
"mustering and disbursing duty" at Cincinnati and Boston until
February, 1865, when he joined Horse Battery "A," Second Artillery,
then serving with Davies' Brigade, Gregg's Cavalry Division in the siege of
command of that Battery he participated in the final campaign of the War, being
engaged at Dinwiddie Court House, Five Forks, Lisbon Centre, High Bridge,
Farmville, and lastly at Appomattox Court House. He then served as Aide-de-Camp
to General Crook, but returning to the Second Artillery, he accompanied it to
the Pacific Coast in September, 1865, and on May 1st, 1867, was appointed
Regimental Quartermaster, which he held till appointed Captain and Assistant
Quartermaster, April 24th, 1875. In this position he served as Chief
Quartermaster District of Tucson, Arizona, and Depot Quartermaster at Yuma,
Arizona, from June, 1875, to November, 1878. On duty at General Depot, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, to August 1st, 1879; Post-Quartermaster at Fort Preble, Maine, to June 8th,
1880. Depot Quartermaster at Cheyenne to November 10th, 1885; on duty at
Jeffersonville Depot, Indiana to July 1st, 1886; Post-Quartermaster Governor's
Island, New York, and Assistant Quartermaster Division Atlantic, to August 3d,
1890; in charge of General Depot, San Francisco, California, to March 31st, 1893, and
retired from active service, September 6th, 1893.
He was
brevetted First Lieutenant, July 1st, 1862, for gallant and meritorious services
in the battle of Malvern Hill, Virginia; Captain, September 17th, 1862, for
gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Antietam, Maryland; and
Major, April 9th, 1865, for gallant and meritorious services in action at Appomattox
Court House, Virginia.
Lord was an unique character. From the reveille of his military career till the
taps which signified its close, he ever displayed that cheerful quality of mind
and disposition which extended its influence to all around, and endeared him to
countless friends. His wonderful energy and fertility of resources were
displayed in every position to which he was called, and whether in organizing
an " outfit" for the use of the Commanding General on an inspecting
tour, or in planting trees for beautifying the Presidio Reservation, he gave
his personal attention to the details, which assured success.
the Civil War, he early made a reputation for coolness and intrepidity under
fire, and I recall the remark of his Battery Commander, Lieutenant (afterwards
Colonel) S. W. Benjamin, who, when speaking of the terrific fire the Battery ("E,"
Second Artillery,) was subjected to at the Second Bull Run, said: "Lord is
one of the coolest men under fire, I ever saw.”
He was
also of an inventive turn of mind, and secured, I believe, patents for several
inventions. Ever loyal to his old friends, he was generosity itself, and many a
thorny path was smoothed by him. His was a very lovable nature, and in his
untimely demise, the service has lost an excellent officer and his friends have
experienced an irreparable loss.
Captain, Second
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