Joseph K. F. Mansfield USMA 1822 |
West Pointers in the Maryland Campaign
Charles Warner USMA 1862 |
the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Antietam, the bloodiest day
in American history approaches, I have turned my attention to a small group of
men who fought there. These are
the graduates of the United States Military Academy at West Point. From Joseph K.F. Mansfield in the Class
of 1822 to Charles Warner, the “Goat” of the Class of 1862, all told 197
graduates served in some capacity in the Maryland Campaign and most fought at
Antietam. In assembling this list,
I extensively used George W. Cullum's Biographical Register of the
Officers and Graduates of the United States Military Academy at West
Point, New York. Cullem assigned a number to each
graduate. The register contains a
short biographical summary of each officer’s service in the United States
Army. Cullem provides no
information on Confederate service merely stating that individual “Joined in the Rebellion of 1861‑66 against the
United States.”
While some officers connection may be
tenuous at best, if Cullem stated that a man participated in the Maryland
Campaign, or fought at Antietam, he made my list. I decided to also include John Reynolds though he was
detached from the Army of the Potomac to command the Pennsylvania Emergency
Militia. Also listed are John
Pelham and Thomas Rosser. These southern cadets left the academy immediately
after Fort Sumter, just shy of their formal graduation date. Mere attendance for some period of time
does not qualify an individual for this list. Examples in this category are Lowell Armistead, kicked out
of the Academy for breaking a plate over the head of fellow cadet Jubal Early
and Dunbar Ransom who left West Point to attend Norwich when his father assumed
the position of superintendant there.
There were 199 men (including
Pelham and Rosser) who wore the cadet gray that now fought, and in some
cases, died in this most decisive of battles.
Just thirty-three
(counting Pelham and Rosser) would serve with the Confederate Army. The vast majority, 166, remained loyal
to the nation that trained them and turned them into soldiers.
Most of the generals
are well known. From Joseph
Mansfield of the Class of 1862 to Fitzhugh Lee of the Class of 1856, sixty-four
men wore a general’s star. Fifty-six
were field grade officers (colonels, lieutenant colonels and majors) commanding
brigades, regiments or senior staff positions. The rest, 77 in all, were company-grade officers (captains
or lieutenants.) In that group are fifteen graduates of the West Point Class of
1862. These men graduated on June
17, 1862 and most were immediately sent to join McClellan’s Army on the
Peninsula. Mere boys in many
cases, by the Maryland Campaign they were already hardened veterans having
fought in some cases both on the Peninsula and at Second Bull Run prior to the
Maryland Campaign. Amazingly, of
the graduates of that last class, a number of these men would still be on duty
leading brigades and divisions in the Spanish American War.
Seven would give
their life during the Maryland Campaign.
They include Jesse Reno and Owen K. McLemore at South Mountain; Dixon
Miles at Harpers Ferry; and Joseph Mansfield, Israel B. Richardson, George B.
Anderson, and Henry Kingsbury on the bloody field of Sharpsburg. Many others would not live to see the
dawn of peace. Nine months later
Gettysburg claimed seven more. John
Reynolds (1841) Gettysburg Jul 1 1863, Richard Garnett (1841) Gettysburg Jul 3
1863, William D. Pender (1854)
Gettysburg Jul 3 1863, Stephen H. Weed (1854) Gettysburg Jul 2 1863, Charles
E. Hazlett (M-1861) Gettysburg Jul 2 1863, Alonzo Cushing (J-1861) Gettysburg
Jul 3 1863, George A. Woodruff (J-1861) Gettysburg Jul 4 1863,
Eighteen others were
killed on other battlefields or from the ravages of the war. They range from the might Stonewall who
fell at Chancellorsville to young Albert Murray, Class of 1862, who died a
prisoner of war in Macon Georgia.
The casual reader
will likely not recognize many of these men. Names like Francis N. Clarke, Frederic Myers, Charles
Sawtelle, and Charles N. Warner don’t immediately come to mind. But whether leading an army, or an
ordnance train, each and every one contributed to the success of his army on
that bloody day. And as the commemoration of the 150th anniversary of that bloody
day is about to begin, look at the names, contemplate the service, and mourn
the lives lost.
Officers are listed
within their graduating classes in order of class rank.
Class of 1822
#2 Joseph K. F. Mansfield, Major General U.S.V. 12th
Mortally Wounded/Died at Antietam September 18, 1862
Class of 1823
#2 George S. Greene, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 2nd Division, 12th Corps
Class of 1824
#27 Dixon S. Miles, Colonel 2nd U.S. Infantry
Killed in Action, Harpers Ferry, September 15, 1862
Class of 1827
#16 Thomas B. Stockton, Colonel 16th
Michigan, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps
Class of 1828
#28 Thomas S. Drayton, Brigadier
General C.S.A. Drayton’s Brigade, D.R. Jones Division
Class of 1829
#2 Robert E. Lee, General C.S.A.
Commander Army of Northern Virginia (ANV)
#5 James Barnes, Colonel 18th
Massachusetts, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 5th
Class of 1830
#5 William N. Pendleton, Brigadier General C.S.A. Chief of
Artillery, ANV
#31 Robert C. Buchanan, Lieutenant
Colonel, 4th Infantry 2nd Brigade, 1st
Division, 5th Corps
Class of 1831
#13 Andrew Humphrey, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 3rd Division, 5th Corps
Class of 1832
#29 Randolph Marcy, Brigadier General
U.S.V. Chief of Staff, Army of the Potomac (AOP)
Class of 1833
#4 Rufus King, Brigadier General U.S.V.
1st Division, 1st Corps Sick Leave of Absence
Class of 1835
#1 George W. Morell, Major General
U.S.V. 1st Division, 5th Corps
#22 George G. Meade, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 3rd Division, 1st Corps
#48 Marsena Patrick, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps
Class of 1837
#9 E. Parker Scammon, Colonel 30th
Ohio, 1st Brigade, Kanawha Division, 9th Corps
#18 Jubal A. Early, Brigadier General
C.S.A. Early’s Brigade, Ewell’s
#22 William H. French, Brigadier
General U.S.V. 3rd Division, 2nd Corps
#24 John Sedwick, Major General U.S.V.
2nd Division, 2nd Corps
#29 Joseph Hooker, Major General U.S.V.
1st Corps
#48 Robert H. Chilton, Colonel C.S.A.
Chief of Staff and Assistant Adjutant General ANV
Class of 1839
#13 Alexander Lawton, Brigadier General
C.S.A. Ewell’s Division
#16 James B. Ricketts, Brigadier
General U.S.V. 2nd Division, 1st Corps
#19 Henry J. Hunt, Brigadier General
U.S.V. Chief of Artillery, Army of the Potomac
Class of 1840
#11 Francis N. Clarke, Major, 5th
Artillery, Artillery Commander, 2nd Corps
#15 George Getty, Lieutenant Colonel –
Staff, Artillery Commander, 9th Corps
#18 William Hays, Lieutenant Colonel –
Staff, Artillery Reserve, Army of the Potomac
Class of 1841
#8 Albion P. Howe, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 4th Corps
#26 John F. Reynolds, Brigadier General U.S.V. Pennsylvania Emergency
Killed at Gettysburg July 1, 1863
#29 Richard B. Garnett, Brigadier General C.S.A. Garnett’s
Brigade, D.R. Jones Division,
Killed at Gettysburg July 3, 1863
#34 Alfred Sully, Colonel 1st
Minnesota, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd
#38 Israel B. Richardson, Major General U.S.V. 1st
Division 2nd Corps
Mortally Wounded/Died from wounds at Antietam November 3,
#46 William T. H. Brooks, Brigadier
General U.S.V. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division 6th
Class of 1842
#1 Henry L. Eustis, Colonel 10th
Massachusetts, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 4th
#2 John Newton, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 6th Corps
#23 Seth Williams, Brigadier General
U.S.V. Adjutant General, AOP
#24 Abner Doubleday, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 1st Division, 1st Corps
#28 Daniel H. Hill, Major General
C.S.A. D.H. Hill’s Division
#29 Napoleon J.T. Dana, Brigadier
General U.S.V. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd
#39 George Sykes, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 2nd Division, 5th Corps
#40 Richard H. Anderson, Major General
C.S.A. Anderson’s Division
#49 Lafayette McLaws, Major General
C.S.A. McLaw’s Division
#54 James Longstreet, Major General
C.S.A. Longstreet’s Command Army of Northern Virginia
Class of 1843
#1 William B. Franklin, Major General
U.S.V. 6th Corps
#7 Roswell Ripley, Brigadier General,
C.S.A. Ripley’s Brigade, D.H. Hill’s Division
#11 James A. Hardie, Lieutenant Colonel
– Staff, Assistant Adjutant General, AOP
#12 Henry F. Clark, Colonel – Staff, Chief
of Commissariat, AOP
#32 Rufus Ingalls, Lieutenant Colonel –
Staff, Chief Quartermaster, AOP
Class of 1844
#7 Alfred Pleasonton, Brigadier
General, U.S.V. Cavalry Division
#18 Winfield Scott Hancock, Brigadier
General U.S.V. 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 6th
Class of 1845
#4 William F. Smith, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 2nd Division, 6th Corps
#8 Fitz-John Porter, Major General
U.S.V. 5th Corps
#17 John P. Hatch, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 1st Division, 1st Corps
Wounded at South Mountain September 14,
#32 Delos B. Sacket, Colonel – Staff,
Inspector General , AOP
#37 William H. Wood, Major, 17th
Infantry, Assistant Provost Marshal, AOP
#38 David A. Russell, Colonel, 7th
Massachusetts, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 4th
Killed Battle of Opequan September 19, 1864
Class of 1846
#2 George B. McClellan, Major General
U.S.A. Commander, Army of the Potomac
#8 Jesse L. Reno, Major General U.S.V.
9th Corps
Killed at South Mountain (Fox Gap) September 14, 1862
#13 Darius N. Couch, Major General
U.S.V. 1st Division, 4th Corps
#17 Thomas J. Jackson, Major General C.S.A. Jackson’s
Command, Army of Northern Virginia
Mortally Wounded/Died from wounds at Chancellorsville May
10, 1863
#18 Albert L. Magilton, Colonel 4th
Pennsylvania Reserves, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 1st
#19 Truman Seymour, Brigadier General,
U.S.V. 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 1st Corps
#26 Richard H. Rush, Colonel 6th
Pennsylvania Cavalry, 3rd Brigade, Cavalry Division
#32 Samuel D. Sturgis, Brigadier
General U.S.V. 2nd Division, 9th Corps
#41 David R. Jones, Brigadier General C.S.A. D.R. Jone’s
Division, Longstreet’s Command
Died of Natural Causes Jan 20 186363
#43 George H. Gordon, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 3rd Brigade 1st Division, 12th Corps
#44 Frederic Myers, Lieutenant Colonel
– Staff, Chief Quartermaster, 1st Corps
#45 Delancey Floyd-Jones, Major 11th
Infantry, 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Corps
#46 John D. Wilkins, Captain, 3rd
Infantry, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Corps
#49 Nelson H. Davis, Major – Staff,
Assistant Inspector General, AOP
Class of 1847
#8 Orlando B. Willcox, Brigadier
General, U.S.V. 1st Division, 9th Corps
#15 Ambrose P. Hill, Major General C.S.A. A,P. Hill’s
Division, Jackson’s Command
Killed in Action Petersburg April 2 1865
#17 Horatio Gibson, Captain, 3rd
Artillery, Battery C&G, Horse Artillery, Cavalry Division, AOP
#18 Ambrose E. Burnside, Major General
U.S.V. 9th Corps
#20 John Gibbon, Brigadier General,
U.S.V. 4th Brigade, 1st Division, 1st Corps
#21 Clermont Best, Captain, 4th
Artillery, Artillery Commander 12th Corps
#22 Romeyn B. Ayres, Captain, 5th
Artillery, Artillery Commander, 2nd Division, 6th Corps
#23 Charles Griffin, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 2nd Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps
#27 Thomas H. Neill, Colonel, 23rd
Pennsylvania, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 4th
Class of 1848
#3 James C. Duane, Captain, Corps of
Engineers, Chief Engineer, AOP
#5 Robert S. Williamson, Captain
Topographical Engineers, Topographical Engineer 9th Corps
#9 Joseph C. Clark, Captain, 4th
Artillery, Battery E, 4th Artillery 2nd Division, 9th
#11 John C. Tidball, Captain, 2nd
Artillery, Battery A, 2nd Artillery, Horse Artillery Cavalry
#16 John Buford, Brigadier General U.S.V. Chief of Cavalry, Army of the
Died Natural Causes Dec 16 1863
#36 Nathan G. Evans, Brigadier General,
C.S.A. Evans Brigade, Longstreet’s Command
Class of 1849
#2 John G. Parke, Major General U.S.V.
Chief of Staff 9th Corps
#13 Edward R. Platt, Lieutenant Colonel
– Staff, Assistant Inspector General 6th Corps
#22 Edward M. Hudson, Lieutenant
Colonel – Staff, Aide de Camp to George B. McClellan
#31 Samuel B. Holabird, Colonel –
Staff, Chief Quartermaster, 12th Corps
#35 Alfred Cumming, Colonel, C.S.A.
Wilcox’s Brigade, Anderson’s Division
Class of 1850
#2 Gouvenuer Warren, Colonel, 5th
New York, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Corps
#17 Armistead L. Long, Colonel C.S.A.
Military Secretary to Robert E. Lee
#18 Robert Ransom, Brigadier General
C.S.A. Ransom’s Brigade, Walker’s Division
#25 Elisha G. Marshall, Colonel, 13th
New York, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 5th Corps
Class of 1851
#1 George L. Andrews, Colonel, 2nd
Massachusetts, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 12th
#15 John Edwards, Captain, 3rd
Artillery, Battery L&M, 3rd Artillery, 9th Corps
#42 Lawrence S. Baker, Colonel, C.S.A.
1st North Carolina Cavalry, Hampton’s Brigade
Class of 1852
#7 Henry W. Slocum, Major General
U.S.V. 1st Division, 6th Corps
#10 George B. Anderson, Brigadier General, C.S.A. G.B. Anderson’s
Brigade, D.H. Hill’s Division
Mortally Wounded at Antietam Died October 16, 1862
#19 George L. Hartsuff, Brigadier
General U.S.V. 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 1st
#27 John D. O’Connell, Captain, 14th
Infantry, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Corps
#38 George Crook, Colonel, 36th
Ohio, 2nd Brigade, Kanawha Division, 9th Corps
Class of 1853
#8 Matthew Blunt, Captain, 12th
Infantry, 1st Battalion, 1st Brigade, 2nd
Division, 5th Corps
#24 N. Bowman Sweitzer, Lieutenant
Colonel – Staff, Aide de Camp to George B. McClellan
#29 Thomas Wilson, Captain – Staff, Commissary
of Subsistence, AOP
#44 John B. Hood, Brigadier General,
C.S.A. Hood’s Division, Longstreet’s Command
#49 James B. McIntyre, Captain, 4th
Cavalry, Cavalry Escort, Headquarters AOP
Class of 1854
#3 Thomas H. Ruger, Colonel 3rd
Wisconsin, 3rd Brigade, 1st Division, 12th
#4 Oliver O. Howard, Brigadier General
U.S.V. 2nd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Corps
#13 James E. B. Stuart, Major General C.S.A. Cavalry Division, Army of
Northern Virginia
Killed in Action, Yellow Tavern May 12, 1864
#17 Stephen D. Lee, Colonel C.S.A.
Lee’s Artillery Battalion, Longstreet’s Command
#19 William D. Pender, Brigadier General, C.S.A. Pender’s Brigade, A.P.
Hill’s Division
Killed in Action, Gettysburg July 3, 1863
#27 Stephen D. Weed, Captain, 5th Artillery, Battery I, 5th
Artillery, 2nd Division, 5th Corps
Killed in Action,
Gettysburg July 3, 1863
#30 George A. Gordon, Captain, 2nd
Cavalry, Provost Guard AOP
#32 Benjamin F. Davis, Colonel, 8th
New York Cavalry, 5th Brigade, Cavalry Division
Killed in Action, Kelly’s Ford June 9, 1863
#38 Charles G. Sawtelle, Captain –
Staff, Acting Chief Quartermaster, AOP
Class of 1855
#1 Cyrus B. Comstock, First Lieutenant,
Corps of Engineers, Engineer Battalion, AOP
#8 David M. Gregg, Colonel 8th
Pennsylvania Cavalry, 2nd Brigade, Cavalry Division
#13 Alexander S. Webb, Lieutenant
Colonel – Staff, Chief of Staff, 5th Corps
#17 Albert V. Coburn, Lieutenant Colonel – Staff, Assistant Adjutant
General, AOP
Died Natural Causes June 17, 1863
#19 George D. Ruggles, Colonel – Staff,
Assistant Adjutant General, AOP
#21 Alfred T.A. Torbert, Colonel 1st
New Jersey, 1st Brigade, 1st Division, 6th
#33 Robert C. Hill, Colonel, C.S.A. 48th
North Carolina, Manning’s Brigade, Walker’s Division
Class of 1856
#2 David C. Houston, Major – Staff,
Chief Engineer, 1st Corps
#3 Miles D. McAlester, First
Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, Engineer Officer AOP
#9 Porter Parker, Lieutenant Colonel – Staff, Assistant
Commissary of Subsistence
#16 Wesley
Owens, Captain, 5th Cavalry, 1st Brigade, Cavalry
#28 James
W. Forsyth, Captain, 18th Infantry, Aide de Camp to George B.
#29 Thomas
W. Walker, Captain, 3rd Infantry, 1st Brigade, 2nd
Division, 5th Corps
#31 Joseph
H. Taylor, Lieutenant Colonel–Staff, Acting Assistant Adjutant General 2nd
#35 Herman
Biggs, Lieutenant Colonel – Staff, Chief Quartermaster, 9th Corps
#39 Owen K. McLemore,
Lieutenant Colonel, C.S.A. 4th Alabama, Law’s Brigade
Killed at South Mountain, September 14, 1862
#41 William P.
Sanders, Captain, 6th Cavalry, 1st Brigade, Cavalry
Mortally Wounded/Died from wounds at Knoxville Nov 19 1863
#45 Fitzhugh Lee, Brigadier General
C.S.A. Lee’s Brigade, Cavalry Division, ANF
Class of 1857
#3 E. Porter Alexander, Lieutenant
Colonel, C.S.A. Ordnance Officer, ANV
#16 Francis Beach, Colonel, 16th
Connecticut, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th
#17 William Sinclair, Colonel 6th
Pennsylvania Reserves, 1st Brigade, 3rd Division, 1st
#20 Marcus Reno, Captain, 1st
Cavalry, Quartermaster Guard, AOP
#27 Ira Claflin, First Lieutenant, 6th
Cavalry, 1st Brigade, Cavalry Division
Class of 1858
#8 Marcus P. Miller,
First Lieutenant, 4th Artillery, Battery G, 4th
Artillery, Artillery Reserve
#13 Samuel McKee,
Captain, 1st Cavalry, Cavalry Division
Mortally Wounded/Died from wounds at Cold
Harbor June 3, 1864
#14 James J. Van Horn, Captain, 8th
Infantry, Aide de Camp to
Provost Marshal General, AOP
#18 Royal T. Frank, Captain, 8th
Infantry, Provost Guard, AOP
Class of 1859
#12 Eugene M. Baker, Captain, 1st
Cavalry, AOP
#13 Norman J. Hall, Colonel, 7th
Michigan, 3rd Brigade, 2nd Division, 2nd Corps
#18 Caleb H. Carlton, Captain, 4th
Infantry, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Corps
Class of 1860
#4 Nicolas Bowen,
First Lieutenant, Topographical Engineers, Sr. Topographical Engineer, AOP
#9 Alanson Randol,
First Lieutenant, 1st Artillery, Btry E&G, First Artillery, 2nd
Division, 5th Corps
#12 John M. Wilson,
First Lieutenant, Topographical Engineers, Topographical Engineer, AOP
#13 Josiah H.
Kellogg, Captain, 1st Cavalry, AOP
#16 Daniel D. Lynn,
First Lieutenant, 6th Infantry, 2nd Brigade, 2nd
Division, 5th Corps
#18 Alexander
Pennington, First Lieutenant, 2nd Artillery, Battery A, 2nd
Artillery, Horse Artillery
#23 James P. Martin,
First Lieutenant, 7th Infantry, Aide
de Camp to George B. McClellan
#25 William G. Jones, Lieutenant Colonel, 71st Pennsylvania,
Acting Aide de Camp 2nd Corps
Killed at Chickamauga September 19, 1863
#31 Francis Huger, Captain, C.S.A.
Huger’s Battery, Saunder’s Battalion
#33 John Newman Andrews, First
Lieutenant, 8th Infantry, 2nd Battalion, 12th
Infantry, 1st Brigade, 2nd Division, 5th Corps
Class of May 1861
#2 Charles Cross, First Lieutenant, Corps
of Engineers, Engineer Battalion, AOP
Killed Franklin’s Crossing, Virginia Jun
5 1863
#4 Henry Kingsbury, Colonel, 11th
Connecticut, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th
Mortally Wounded and Died at Antietam
September 18, 1862
#5 Adelbert Ames,
Colonel, 20th Maine, 3rd Brigade, 1st
Division, 5th Corps
#8 Emory Upton, First
Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, Artillery Brigade, 1st
Division, 6th Corps
#12 Samuel N.
Benjamin, First Lieutenant, Battery F, 2nd Artillery, 1st
Division, 9th Corps
#15 Charles E. Hazlett, First Lieutenant,
Battery D, 5th Artillery, 1st Division, 5th
Killed at Gettysburg, July 2, 1863
#23 Francis A.
Davies, Captain, 16th Infantry, Co. D, 3rd Infantry, 2nd
Division 5th Corps
#25 Malbone F.
Watson, First Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, Battery I, 5th
Artillery, 2nd Division, 5th Corps
#26 John B. Williams,
First Lieutenant, Co G, 3rd Infantry, 1st Brigade, 2nd
Division, 5th Corps
#33 Leonard Martin,
First Lieutenant, Battery F, 5th Artillery, 2nd Division,
6th Corps
#34 John S. Poland,
Captain, 2nd Infantry, 2nd Brigade, 2nd
Division, 5th Corps
#44 Mathis W. Henry,
First Lieutenant, C.S.A. Horse Artillery, Stuart’s Cavalry Division
* John Pelham, Major,
C.S.A. Horse Artillery, Stuart’s Cavalry Division
* Thomas Rosser,
Colonel, C.S.A. 5th Virginia Cavalry, Stuart’s Cavalry Division
Class of June 1861
#3 Arthur H. Dutton, Colonel 21st
Connecticut, 2nd Brigade, 3rd Division, 9th
Killed Bermuda Hundred June 5 1864
#5 Daniel W. Flagler,
First Lieutenant, Ordnance, Ordnance Officer, 9th Corps
#8 William H. Harris,
First Lieutenant, Ordnance, Assistant Ordnance Officer, AOP
#12 Alonzo H. Cushing, First Lieutenant,
4th Artillery, Assistant Topographical Engineer, AOP
Killed Gettysburg July 3, 1863
#16 George A. Woodruff, First Lieutenant,
Battery I, 1st Artillery, 2nd Division, 2nd
Mortally Wounded and Died at Gettysburg July
4, 1863
#17 Joseph C.
Audenreid, Captain-Staff, Aide de Camp, 2nd Corps
#19 Peter C. Hains,
First Lieutenant, Topographical Engineers, Battery M, 2nd Artillery,
Horse Artillery, Cavalry Division
#20 Francis H.
Parker, Second Artillery Ordnance, Assistant Ordnance Officer, AOP
#22 Joseph B.
Campbell, Captain-Staff, Battery B, 4th Artillery, 1st
Division, 1st Corps
#23 Henry E. Noyes,
First Lieutenant, 2nd Cavalry, HQ, AOP
#25 William D.
Fuller, First Lieutenant, 3rd Artillery, Reserve Ammunition Column,
#28 Leroy S. Elbert,
First Lieutenant, 3rd Cavalry, Acting Aide de Camp, Cavalry Division
#30 Eugene Carter,
First Lieutenant, 8th Infantry, AOP
#34 George A. Custer,
Captain-Staff, Aide de Camp, HQ AOP
Class of 1862
#2 George L.
Gillespie, Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, Engineer Company, AOP
#4 Charles R. Suter,
Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, Assistant Engineer, 1st Corps
#6 Samuel M.
Mansfield, Second Lieutenant, Corps of Engineers, Enroute to 12th Corps
#12 Frank B.
Hamilton, Second Artillery, 3rd Artillery, AOP
#14 Tully McCrea,
Second Lieutenant, 1st Artillery, Battery I, 2nd
Division, 2nd Corps
#15 James M.
Lancaster, Second Lieutenant, 3rd Artillery, Battery C, Horse
Artillery, Cavalry Division
#16 John Egan, Second
Lieutenant, 1st Artillery, Battery I, 2nd Division, 2nd
#20 William C.
Bartlett, Second Lieutenant, 3rd Artillery, Artillery Reserve, AOP
#21 James E. Wilson,
Second Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, Battery G, 2nd
Artillery, 1st Division, 4th Corps
#22 John H. Calef,
Second Lieutenant, 5th Artillery, Battery K, 2nd
Division, 5th Corps
#23 Samuel B.
McIntire, Second Lieutenant, 5th Artilery, Battery I, 2nd
Division, 5th Corps
#24 Albert M. Murray, Second Lieutenant,
5th Artillery, Battery A, 3rd Division, 9th
Died in the Military Prison at Macon as a
POW Aug 12 1864
#26 James H. Lord,
Second Lieutenant, 2nd Artillery, Battery E, 1st
Division, 9th Corps
#27 James J. Frederick, Second
Lieutenant, 3rd Cavalry, Escort Headquarters, AOP
Killed fom fall from horse August 4, 1864
#28 Charles N.
Warner, Second Lieutenant, 4th Artillery, Battery D, 1st
Division, 6th Corps
ReplyDeleteAugustus Coleman, Lt. Colonel of the 11th OVI attended West Point but did not graduate. I think he was in the class of 1854. He was killed in the attack on Burnsides Bridge.
Thanks Phil,
ReplyDeleteI will look him up and add him to my list of West Point cadets who did not graduate but who fought here. My thanks for sending me this information.
In your class of 1846, you have Jesse Reno. If I recall correctly, he was killed at South Mountain. Great blog, I always enjoy each of my visits! Cheers! Chris
ReplyDeleteChristopher, Absolutely right. Thanks for catching that. I have made the correction. Jim