About Me

- Jim Rosebrock
- I am a lifelong student of military history with particular interest in the Battle of Antietam. I work for the federal government in Washington DC and have two young adult children who I love very much. I currently volunteer at Antietam and devote much time to the study of this battle and the Maryland Campaign. I enjoy collecting notable contemporary quotations by and about the men of Antietam. Since 2013 I have been conducting in depth research on the regular artillery companies of the Union Army and their leaders. I hope to turn this into a book on this subject in the future. My perspective comes from a 28-year career in the U.S. Army. Travels took me to World War II battlefields in Europe and the Pacific where American valor ended the tyranny of Nazism and Empire. But our country faced its own greatest challenge 80 years earlier during the Civil War. And it was the critical late summer of 1862, when Robert E. Lee launched the Maryland Campaign. It is an incredible story of drama, carnage, bravery, and missed opportunities that culminated around the fields and woodlots of peaceful Sharpsburg MD. So join me as I make this journey South from the North Woods.
Thursday, December 22, 2011
The Dawn

was a tension in the atmosphere for the whole army that night. Survivors wrote long afterward that
there seemed to be something mysteriously ominous in the very air-stealthy,
muffled tramp of marching men who could not be seen but were sensed dimly as
moving shadows in the dark; outbursts of rifle fire up and down the invisible
picket lines, with flames lighting the sky now and then when gunners in the
advanced batteries opened fire; taut and nervous anxiety of those alert
sentinels communicating itself through all the bivouacs, where men tried to
sleep away the knowledge that the morrow would bring the biggest battle the
army had ever had; a ceaseless, restless sense of movement as if the army
stirred blindly in its sleep, with the clop-clop of belated couriers riding down
the inky dark lanes heard at intervals, sounding very lonely and far off."
while they slept the lazy, rainy breeze drifted through the East Woods and the
West Wood and the cornfield, and riffed over the copings of the stone bridge to
the south, touching them for the last time before dead men made them
famous. The flags were furled and
the bugles stilled, and the hot metal of the guns on the ridges had cooled, and
the army was asleep-tenting tonight on the old camp ground, with never a song
to cheer because the voices that might sing it were all stilled on this most
crowded and most lonely of fields.
And whatever it may be that nerves men to die for a flag or a phrase or
a man or an inexpressible dream was drowsing with them, ready to wake with the
morning came in like the beginning of the Last Day, gray and dark and tensely
expectant. Mist lay on the ground,
heavy as fog in the hollow places, and the groves and valleys were drenched in
immense shadows. For a brief time
there was an ominous hush on the rolling fields, where the rival pickets
crouched behind bushes and fence corners, peering watchfully forward under damp
hat brims."
Sunday, December 18, 2011
Virtual Antietam 2.0
I just came across a great upgrade of Stephen Reckers
Virtual Antietam website that now includes a blog. Stephen is a fellow battlefield guide at Antietam who helped me get my start as a guide four years ago. He has
many great projects that are ongoing including his long awaited book Rare Images
of Antietam, Vol. 1 that he says will be coming out in July of next
year. Check out Stephens important
work here.
Tuesday, December 13, 2011
Statistical Graphing - West Pointers at Antietam
Several years ago, I attended a terrific one-day course by
Edward Tufte, professor at Yale University and author of Envisioning Information, Visual Explanations, and The Visual Display of Quantitative Information.
Tufte used Charles Joseph Minard’s chart plotting Napoleon’s March to Moscow
during the War of 1812 as an example of perhaps “the best statistical graphic
ever drawn.” I was so taken by
this depiction that I have since purchased and framed this chart. It now hangs in my office at home as a
constant challenge to be innovative in portraying information. If you ever have an opportunity to
attend a Tufte seminar, run don’t walk.
I have lately become interested in exploring the
relationships of the West Pointers that served at Antietam on both sides of the
battle. A terrific website by Bill Thayer at the University of
Chicago introduced me to Cullem’s Register. The Register is a compendium of the service records of
thousands of West Point graduates over the years. I further contacted the West Point library and obtained a link to the pdf files of the register.
What I have been doing (to the neglect of other projects
sadly) is sifting through this mass of data to extract a list of every West
Point graduate who fought at Antietam or served in some capacity in the
Maryland Campaign. There some
193 men on the list ranging from Joseph K. F. Mansfield, number 2 in the class of
1822 to Charles N. Warner, number 28 (and Immortal) in the Class of 1862. I created a table that summarizes their
military careers, regimental assignments, stints at West Point as faculty
members, war service (in Mexico, Florida, Utah, Spanish American War and yes
even World War One), home states, and other things. For the more obscure men, I have reviewed OR 19 and 51 to see if they are mentioned, and amazingly many of them are. I have drawn out some interesting correlations
about their careers that I look forward to sharing. This effort has taught me a lot about the Regular Army in the
antebellum period before the Civil War and much about post war assignments as well.
With Minard’s chart on the War of 1812 (the European War of 1812 that
is) in mind, I attempted to depict some of this information on a chart of my
own. It is essentially a diagonal time line
from the Class of 1822 (top left) which was Mansfield's class to the Class of 1862 (bottom right) that
sent 14 newly minted second lieutenants to the battle including young Charles
Warner. Generally the colors above the line reflect United States or Confederate States affiliation during the war. The green lines are periods when the specific officer taught at West Point. The white spots which drift from the top of the chart halfway across the top are Mexican War officers who received brevets for gallantry. The colors below the time line diagonal are the regimental affiliations of the officers. Light red is artillery, light blue is infantry and gold is cavalry. Engineers, topographical engineers and ordnance officers are also shown.
The initial objective was to group cadets by year group showing not just who they graduated with, but who were other students in upper and lower classes when they were at the academy. I call this relationship spans of connection. For example, members of the class of 1846 (the big black box in the upper left quadrant) as fourth year cadets in the fall of 1842 would have known cadets who would graduate as the class of 1843. Four years later as first year cadets themselves, these men would have known the fourth year cadets who would go on to graduate in 1849. After their own classmates, they were likely closest to classmates in the classes of 1845 and 1847 (the red boxes). The colors are less dark as you move away from 1846 (orange, gold, yellow). Cadets in the five year program of the late 1850s would have even larger spans of connection. This effort alone was very illuminating. There is much more that I will address down the road but here is a peak at the chart. Stay tuned.
The initial objective was to group cadets by year group showing not just who they graduated with, but who were other students in upper and lower classes when they were at the academy. I call this relationship spans of connection. For example, members of the class of 1846 (the big black box in the upper left quadrant) as fourth year cadets in the fall of 1842 would have known cadets who would graduate as the class of 1843. Four years later as first year cadets themselves, these men would have known the fourth year cadets who would go on to graduate in 1849. After their own classmates, they were likely closest to classmates in the classes of 1845 and 1847 (the red boxes). The colors are less dark as you move away from 1846 (orange, gold, yellow). Cadets in the five year program of the late 1850s would have even larger spans of connection. This effort alone was very illuminating. There is much more that I will address down the road but here is a peak at the chart. Stay tuned.
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West Pointers at Antietam 1822 1862 |
Wednesday, November 23, 2011
The Impending Crisis
I am currently reading David Potter’s monumental work The Impending Crisis America Before the
Civil War 1848-1861 (New York: Harper, 1976).

unencumbered by ideological mission, the two parties did not have enough
intellectual focus to offer voters clear-cut alternatives. Thus they failed in one of the classic
functions theoretically ascribed to political parties. But if they defaulted in
this way, they performed admirably another equally important if less orthodox
function: the promoted consensus rather than divisiveness. By encouraging men to seek a broad basis
of popular support, they nourished cohesiveness within a community and avoided
sharpening the cutting edge of disagreement to dangerous keenness. Without ideological agreement as a
basis for cohesiveness, the parties could still cultivate unity, based upon the
practical need that diverse groups may have for one another’s support.
I rarely use this blog as a political forum. However, I truly believe that we are at the other end of the pendulum
these days. There is to much
intellectual focus. The
alternatives are clear-cut nowadays.
But what our leaders seem to posses in abundance in clarity of position,
they forfeit in ability to promote consensus and fail to seek broad basis of
popular support. The American
people clearly recognize the problems.
But our leaders seem incapable of working together to make decisions. Now
this very divisiveness that is so well promoted in the 21st century
could very well mean our decline.
Nothing is getting done. We
cant stand further putting off of the key decisions that need to be made right now.
Henry Clay, John Q. Adams, Daniel Webster, Stephen Douglas, and John Calhoun have
been replaced by Harry Reid, Mitch McConnell, John Boehner, and Nancy Pelosi,
prisoners of their own special interest keepers. There are many times to hold firm to our ideological
standards but surrendering any idea of compromise or bipartisanship all the
time is unacceptable.
Impending Crisis then or now? But that’s just me.
Thursday, November 10, 2011
The Marine Corps is 236 Today. Thanks to one Marine in Particular
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Lance Corporal Jim Rosebrock |
Several of Jim's high school friends that I know serve now. One is a United States Army Ranger enroute to a deployment of his own after Thanksgiving, and another is finishing up boot camp at Parris Island. Another will be commissioned as Army lieutenant out of ROTC next spring. Five years ago, I took these boys to the Boy Scout Philmont Camp in New Mexico. Now they proudly serve their nation.
To those who have little positive to say about the young of this generation, I say look at men like Jim who are laying it on the line everyday. As an old paratrooper, I know that they have learned the same lesson that I did many years ago - that the best in life is earned, not handed to you.
Lets not forget our veterans this weekend - all the soldiers, sailors, marines, airmen, and coast guardsman who put it on the line every day for us. If you see one thank one. And better yet, don't just do it on Veteran's Day. Go out of your way to make every day Veteran's Day.
Sunday, November 6, 2011
Ride the Auto Tour!!
Antietam volunteer Dave Maher shot this great video from his car yesterday. It covers about the first five auto tour stops at Antietam National Battlefield. The crystal clear skies and beautiful fall foliage are really accented here. The video is in real time. Dave, I am looking to more footage soon. Thanks again.
Friday, November 4, 2011
An Honor
From left to right Mannie Gentile, Alan Schmidt, daughter Rachel, me, Dan Vermilya, Bob Casey, Christie Stanczak and Joe Nicodemus. (Photo courtesy of Mannie Gentile) |
It was great to be joined by fellow volunteer and lovely daughter Rachel. (Photo courtesy of Mannie Gentile) |
It is great to be recognized for something you like to do but even greater to work with and be a part of the finest interpretive staff of rangers, volunteers, and guides in the Service. While I say thanks to all of them for a job well done, I want to say a special thanks to Ranger Christie Stanczak, volunteer coordinator and very dear friend for making this possible.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Final Attack Trail Work Party This Saturday
Last weekend's SHAF workday to begin the walking trail up to the Eighth Connecticut and Ninth New York monuments was snowed out. There will be a work party this Saturday November 5th led by Antietam Ranger Joe Calzarette to work on this trail. Meet at the Antietam Visitor's Center at 9AM. Bring gloves, water, and dress for the weather. Right now the weather forecast looks good but as last weekend if there is a steady rain that morning, the event will be cancelled.
Monday, October 24, 2011
Important Trail Addition - SHAF Workday on Saturday
The Save Historical Antietam Foundation (SHAF) workday is this Saturday, October 29th and begins at 9:00 AM. SHAF is funding and helping to build a walking trail loop off the Final Attack trail to lead up to the stop on the top of the hill where the monuments to the Eighth Connecticut, and Ninth New York, and Rodman mortuary cannon are located. This important addition to the trail network will allow access to the site without parking on the grass shoulder of Harpers Ferry Road. Be part of this important work. It will be greatly appreciated. Meet at the Antietam Visitor's Center at 9AM. Bring gloves, water, and dress for the weather. If there is a steady rain that morning, the event will be cancelled.
Saturday, October 15, 2011
On the Final Attack Trail
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A series of ravines had to be crossed by Ninth Corps (looking west) |
For the Federals of Rodman and Willcox's division, their fight didn't really begin until after capture of the bridge. They would face an increasingly desperate defense by Toomb's resupplied Confederates and other elements of David Jones's division. These Confederates attempted to hold back the surging Federals who moved over the series of ridges east of the Harper's Ferry Road towards Sharpsburg. As you behold this difficult terrain, it is easier to see why Lee decided to make his stand "in these hills" in the first place. It is also important to credit the Ninth Corps with completing a difficult advance over some very challenging ground.
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Jim and John in the footprints of the 16th Conn. (looking west) |
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Fellow Volunteer Jim Buchanan |
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
On the McClellan "Roller Coaster"
The view from McClellan's headquarters of Antietam Battlefield |
Harry Smeltzer’s great blog
post over at Bull Runnings is entitled Your Grandpa’s Maryland Campaign –NOT!!!. Equally informative and instructive are the comments to this post that
offer in a microcosm the range of different reactions to General George B. McClellan.
I usually do not reply in
the depth that I did to Harry’s post.
As a guide and volunteer at Antietam, I hear all sorts of reactions to
George B. McClellan. I happen to
agree with the current interpretation on the general that is advocated by our
rangers and codified in the works of Joseph Harsh, Ethan Rafuse, Tom Clemens
and Vince Armstrong. My own
thoughts "On the McClellan Merry Go-Round" as Harsh once called it, have
been fermenting for some time.
I am not an academic historian but merely an avid amateur
who reads everything I can find about the battle and the men who fought
there. I am fortunate to volunteer
at Antietam Battlefield nearly every weekend and have been a guide there for
the past four years as well. I
have studied the terrain and have the advantage of knowing all the rangers who
make the study and interpretation their life's work. And finally my perspective
as a retired soldier gives me some additional useful perspective.
I am not an apologist for
McClellan. I agree that he made mistakes. There was an arrogance and snobbery
imbued into his personality that came from his blue blood Philadelphia
origins. He let that get the
better of him sometimes. His
political instincts were not highly evolved. Unlike Lee, he failed to cultivate
and maintain a good relationship with his commander in chief. He didn't appreciate the power of the
radicals in Congress. He tended to
try to do too much himself. He
could have learned more from General Scott but viewed him as an obstacle. He didn’t try to bring all his corps
commanders into the inner circle preferring to rely on the recommendations of
his “pets” Fitz Porter and William Franklin, men with similar conservative
political and military perspectives. A terrible error was McClellan’s
inclination to “leave Pope to get out of his scrape.” Instead of truly
extending himself to help Pope, a man he detested, McClellan merely followed
Halleck’s orders to the letter.
This mean spirited attitude truly appalled Lincoln.
McClellan was a brilliant
trainer, organizer, logistician, and strategic planner. As Army commander-in-chief in early
1862, his strategic concept to attack on all fronts and his understanding and
inclination to employ Army-Navy joint operations (Burnside’s Carolina and
Butler’s New Orleans expeditions) preceded Grant's successful implementation of
similar plans two years later. His
overall concept to advance up the Peninsula was a good one that was similar to
part of Grant’s own final approach to Richmond after the Overland Campaign
failed to achieve decisive results.
Despite their deteriorating
relationship, Lincoln decided that McClellan was the only man capable to assume
command during that harrowing first week of September. His decision was over
almost total opposition of his cabinet.
This decision to restore McClellan was one of the most important acts of
his presidency. Lincoln knew his
general's limitations but he also recognized that McClellan’s strengths were
what the country needed then.
Operationally, McClellan had
a different mission in Maryland than he did in front of Richmond. He learned from his experiences on the
Peninsula. He had the example/specter
of Second Manassas less than a week after resuming command to consider as well. I'm sure that he and Porter had some
discussions about that battle in the days before Antietam. McClellan intensely felt the weight of
responsibility at Antietam and frequently made reference to it in his writings.
Lincoln's faith was not in
vain. In the space of several
days, McClellan restored the army's flagging morale, He reshuffled some senior
commanders, incorporated new regiments into the ranks, absorbed Reno's Ninth
Corp, the Kanawha Division, and two corps from the Army of Virginia into his
command and began straightening out logistics (an action which is often
overlooked in the Maryland campaign.)
McClellan had a primitive
intelligence service and he erred on the side of extreme caution when
evaluating and accepting the intelligence estimates of detective
Pinkerton. His cavalry was still
learning and was just then being concentrated into a single division under
Pleasanton during the campaign.
His artillery was still principally dispersed though it to was moving in
the direction of more consolidation as well. Two corps commanders (Hooker and Mansfield) were new to that level of
He advanced northwest from
D.C. protecting both Baltimore and Washington. On September 12th, just days after being restored to command,
McClellan's right wing under Burnside entered Frederick from the east as the
last elements of Lee's cavalry abandoned the town and headed west. Lee's
operational planning and issuance of Special Order 191 to open his supply line
through Harpers Ferry was based partly on the assumption that whoever commanded
the pursuing Federal army would take much longer to reach western
McClellan’s response to
Special Order 191 was not a timid one. He prudently spent the afternoon of Saturday
September 13th validating the authenticity of the order. But when convinced of
its validity, he ordered an attack by his divided army on several fronts to
relieve Harpers Ferry on one end of the line and to attack Longstreet’s “main
body” on the other. Admittedly, he could have pressed Franklin forward that
afternoon instead of delaying the Sixth Corps advance until the next day. Franklin took all day to arrive at
Crampton’s Gap and overwhelm the Confederate defenders shortly before
sundown. Franklin’s slowness on
Sunday afternoon and subsequent failure to attack McLaws and relieve Harper’s
Ferry on Monday morning was perhaps the greatest failure of the campaign
On the battlefield,
McClellan was without question a careful, methodical, tactician. He believed in maintaining a large
reserve and his tolerance for taking risk was much lower than many other army
commanders. Whatever his exact
understanding of the size of the rebel army confronting him, McClellan
developed a sound offensive
plan. It called for attacks first
in the north at daybreak and later in the south to force Lee to commit his
reserves and enable a final attack by Porter in the center. Unfortunately there was no written plan
and McClellan did not meet together with all his commanders before the battle
to put them all in the picture.
But the plan was
working. The brutal fighting in
the north indeed caused Lee’s characteristically bold reaction around 8:30 AM to
commit ALL his reserves to the shattered left flank. Yet, from McClellan's perspective at the Pry House, Lee
forcefully met and repulsed every attack launched by the Federal commanders:
Hooker’s First
Corps counterattacked by Hood’s division
Twelfth Corps attack engaged by three brigades of D.H. Hill’s division.
division flanked by McLaws and other Confederate troops in the West Woods
French and
Richardson’s divisions met by Richard Anderson’s reinforcing division in the
Sunken Road, and Manning’s brigade attack on their right.
This had the effect of
causing McClellan to reassess the full commitment of Porter’s corps and the
cavalry in the center. Often
overlooked in the “old interpretation” of the battle is the fact that Porter's
regulars were in fact advancing toward the heights of Sharpsburg when they were
recalled. When A.P. Hill struck
Burnside's left flank at nearly the moment that his right was entering Sharpsburg
that confirmed in McClellan's mind that Lee was still a very dangerous enemy.
It justified and rationalized his decision not to hazard an attack by the Fifth
or Sixth Corps. This thinking
carried on to next day in his decision to keep a strong reserve and not attack preferring
to wait until the 19th.
By then, Lee was gone.
I believe that the shadow of
Second Manassas hung over McClellan (and Porter). They saw in every
counter-stroke by Lee a smashing potentially battle-ending attack like that
suffered by Porter only 18 days earlier.
Grant lost at Belmont; He
had a tough time at Shiloh. It took him a long time to figure out how to
capture Vicksburg. But he was far
enough down the chain of command and far enough from the flagpole to recover,
learn and advance. Sherman had
what amounted to a nervous breakdown early in the war. Again, he was far enough away from the
flagpole and the interfering Washington chain of command and had a mentor the likes
of Grant to shield him and permit his recovery. Both men had time to get better. McClellan did not get the benefit of a learning curve like
Grant, and Sherman. He had the
entire Lincoln administration, the Congress, and the national media following
his every move from fifty miles away.
Again, this is not an excuse but a reality. Grant had two years of additional time to figure out how to
deal more successfully with this poisoned environment.
Since I have heard a lot
about Grant and Lee in this string of comments, let’s recall what they later
said about McClellan.

Lee’s cousin Cassius Lee
recalled a conversation that he had with the general on February 15, 1870. "I asked him which of the Federal generals he
considered the greatest, and he answered most emphatically "McClellan by
all odds." From Recollections and Letters
by Robert E. Lee. New York: Barnes and Noble, 2004.
Victorian niceties aside,
these are two heavy hitters whose perspective can't be ignored.
Friday, September 23, 2011
John Reynolds in the Maryland Campaign
John Reynolds |
WASHINGTON D.C., September 11, 1862 (Sent 10.20)
Major-General McClellan
The Governor of Pennsylvania wishes the services of General Reynolds. Can you order him here for that purpose? H.W. Halleck, General-in-Chief
Headquarters, Army of the Potomac
ROCKVILLE, MD., September 11, 1862 (10.45 a.m.)
Maj. Gen. H.W. Halleck, General in Chief:
General Reynolds is now engaged in important service, supporting with his division an attack on New Market. He has one of he best divisions, and is well acquainted with it. I cannot see how his services can be spared at the present time.
GEO. B. McCLELLAN, Major-General
WASHINGTON D.C., September 11, 1862 (Sent 1.55 p.m.)
Major-General McClellan, Rockville, Md.:
General Reynold's division can be commanded by some one else. He has been designated for other duty, and must report here immediately.
H.W. Halleck, General-in-Chief
Headquarters, Army of the Potomac
MIDDLEBROOK, MD., September 11, 1862
Maj. Gen. H.W. Halleck, General in Chief:
I have ordered General Reynolds to report to Governor Curtin at the earliest practicable moment. He is now about 25 miles from here. He will probably not be able to start before morning.
GEO. B. McCLELLAN, Major-General
Hdqrs, Third Corps, Army of Virginia
Ridgeville, Md., September 12, 1862
Brig. Gen. S. Williams, Assistant Adjutant General:
I have just been shown an order relieving Brigadier-General Reynolds from command of a division in my corps. I request that the major-general commding will not heed this order; a scared Governor ought not to be permitted to destroy the usefulness of an entire division of the army, on the eve of important operations.
General Reynolds commands a division of Pennsylvania troops of not the best character; is well known to them, and I have no officer to fill his place.
It is satisfactory in my mind that the rebels have no more intention of going to Harrisburg than they have of going to heaven.
It is only in the United States that atrocities like this are entertained.
Major-General, Commanding Corps.
Monday, September 19, 2011
365 days to the 150th. (Its a Leap Year!)
Check out Harry's post at Bull Runnings on his visit to Antietam this weekend. I couldn't have said it better and echo his sentiments completely.
The rangers and volunteers did a tremendous job. The crowds were
truly awesome and are hopefully an indication of what is to come next
| |||
Ranger Brian Baracz at the Smoketown Road |
Ranger Kevin Walker at the Joseph Poffenberger House |
Rangers Keith Snyder, Brian Baracz and John Hoptak leading the tour near the Cemetery |
Ranger John Hoptak at the Pry House |
Friday, September 16, 2011
Thursday, September 15, 2011
September 15, 1862 Voices
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Abraham Lincoln |
"Your dispatch of today received. God bless you and all with you.
Destroy the Rebel army if possible.”
Lincoln September
15 1862 Telegram
from Lincoln to McClellan. 2:45PM September 15 1862. From The Battle of South
Mountain by John David Hoptak.
Charleston: The History
Press, 2011. page 181
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George B. McClellan |
“We attacked a large force of the enemy yesterday occupying a strong
pass four miles west of Middletown. Our troops old and new regiments behaved
most valiantly & gained a signal victory. R.E. Lee in command. The Rebels
routed and retreating in disorder this morning. We are pursuing and taking many
prisoners.” George B. McClellan in a telegram to retired Brevet
Lieutenant General Winfield Scott.
September 15, 1862, From
The Civil War Papers of George B. McClellan. Ed. Stephen W. Sears. New York:
Ticknor & Fields, 1989 page 464.
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Robert E. Lee |
"We will make our stand in these hills." Robert E. Lee calling out to D.R. Jones men as they arrived at Sharpsburg on September 15 1862. From
Taken at the Flood Robert E. Lee & Confederate Strategy in the Maryland
Campaign of 1862 by Joseph L. Harsh.
Kent: The Kent State
University Press, 1999. page 305
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Thomas J. Jackson |
"Through God's blessing, Harper's Ferry and its garrison are to be
surrendered. As Hill's troops have
borne the heaviest part in the engagement, he will be left in command until the
prisoners and public property shall be disposed of, unless you direct
otherwise. The other forces can
move off this evening as soon as they get their rations. To what point shall we move?" Thomas Jackson
in a dispatch at 8AM on September 15.
Arrived at Lee's HQ about noon advising of his success against Harpers
Ferry on Sep 14. From The Maryland Campaign of September 1862 Vol. 1 South
Mountain. Edited by Tom Clemens. New York: Savas Beatie, 2010. page 424
Jackson Sep 15 1862
to Lee. From Taken at the Flood Robert E. Lee & Confederate Strategy in
the Maryland Campaign of 1862 by Joseph L. Harsh. Kent: The Kent
State University Press, 1999. page 318
Wednesday, September 14, 2011
September 14, 1862 Voices

E. Lee
14 1862
to McLaws reporting the defeat at South Mountain and his decision to retreat
out of MarylandFrom Taken at the Flood Robert E. Lee & Confederate Strategy
in the Maryland Campaign of 1862 by Joseph L. Harsh. Kent: The Kent State University Press, 1999.
"We are firing the passes of the Blue Ridge. Have possession of the
heights on the left of Hagerstown pike; are now attacking the right. Franklin
is attacking the Rockville [Crampton's] Pass, through the same ranges. Thus far
all goes well. Have taken about 100 prisoners. I have the troops in hand. They
are confident, and hope to have gull possession of the passes by dark."
B. McClellan
14 1862
4PM report to Halleck on the Battle of South MountainFrom Unfurl Those
Colors! McClellan, Sumner, & The Second Army Corps in the Antietam Campaign
by Marion Armstrong. Tuscaloosa: University of Alabama Press, 2008.
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
September 13, 1862 Voices
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Joseph K. F. Mansfield |
"We may never meet again."
K. F. Mansfield September 13 1862. Joseph
Mansfield bidding farewell to fellow Connecticut native Gideon Welles as he
departs to assume command of the 12th Corps. Mansfield will be mortally wounded four days later in the East Woods at the Battle of Antietam. From
Lincoln's Darkest Year The War in 1862 by William Marvel. Boston: Houghtin
Mifflin Company Company, 2008. page
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William Nelson Pendleton |
"bold, prompt, energetic, and sagacious"
Nelson Pendleton September 13 1862
in a letter to President Davis who had asked Pendleton for "occasional
confidential memoranda of the positions, doings etc of the army." Pendleton is describing General Lee.
Taken at the Flood Robert E. Lee & Confederate Strategy in the Maryland
Campaign of 1862 by Joseph L. Harsh.
Kent: The Kent State
University Press, 1999. page 222
Monday, September 12, 2011
September 12, 1862 Voices
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Joseph Hooker |
"a scared Governor ought not to be permitted to destroy the
usefulness of an entire division of the army, on the eve of important
operations....It is satisfactory in my mind that the rebels have no more
intention of going to Harrisburg than they had of going to heaven. It is only in the United States that
atrocities like this are entertained."
Hooker, September 12 1862.
protesting to McClellan the reassignment of division commander John Reynolds to command militia in
Pennsylvania at the height of the Maryland Campaign. From The Maryland Campaign of September 1862 Vol. 1 South
Mountain. Edited by Tom Clemens. New York: Savas Beatie, 2010. Page 204
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Robert E. Lee |
"Before crossing the Potomac, I considered the advantages of entering Maryland east or west of the Blue Ridge. In either case it was my intention to march upon this town [Hagerstown]"
E. Lee, September 12 1862
to Davis explaining his intentions to move on Hagerstown. From Taken at the
Flood Robert E. Lee & Confederate Strategy in the Maryland Campaign of 1862
by Joseph L. Harsh. Kent: The Kent State University Press, 1999.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
September 11, 1862 Voices
"General, I wish we could stand still and let the damned Yankees
come to us!" James Longstreet, September 11 1862
to Lee after he is ordered to proceed on to Hagerstown and to leave D.H. Hill at
Boonsboro. From Taken at the
Flood Robert E. Lee & Confederate Strategy in the Maryland Campaign of 1862
by Joseph L. Harsh. Kent: The Kent State University Press, 1999. page
"All evidence that has been accumulated from various sources since
we left Washington goes to prove most conclusively that almost the entire rebel
army in Virginia, amounting to not less than 120,000 men, is in the vicinity of
Frederick City.
B. McClellan, September
11 1862
in a letter to Halleck from Rockville MD
The Maryland Campaign of September 1862 Vol. 1 South Mountain. Edited by
Tom Clemens. New York: Savas
Beatie, 2010. page
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